Last updated on October 1st, 2020 at 10:32 am
“The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” These are the words of Margaret Sanger, a radical feminist and eugenicist, who founded Planned Parenthood in 1916. Today, this organization is present on all continents, and its activities are mostly concerned with how not to become a parent – by promoting abortion, hormonal birth control, sexual freedoms and similar products from the liberal palette.
Planned Parenthood is not the only organization that invokes the myth of overpopulation, calling upon people to have fewer children and enabling them to “dispose” of the surplus through abortion. Recently, the US-based World Population Balance launched the One Planet, One Child campaign, the aim of which, according to their website, is to encourage “small families” to “solve the problem of overpopulation.”
To achieve this, they have put up billboards with shocking messages, such as this one:

There’s really nothing to say to such a message. It’s enough to see the comments on social networks.
– I’m an only child and this is absolutely false! I used to cry myself to sleep because I was so lonely. I begged my parents for a sibling. They were unable to have more children. This is sick and disturbing.
– Oh, my goodness. As the oldest of six children, I can tell you without a doubt that this is the saddest statement I have ever read. In fact, the greatest gift my parents have ever given me is my five siblings!
– I adore my two brothers. I can’t imagine being without them. I thank God my parents had us. What is happening to this world? I feel so sad knowing there are people in this world who wish harm on children. God help this planet.
– I grew up dirt poor. I was the oldest of five, but looking back on our childhood, I wouldn’t change a thing. My siblings were my best friends, and no other friends could ever replace them. There are some things in life that money can’t buy.
This organization’s website says: “The world is overpopulated. There is a solution: one planet, one child.” It also says that if, over the course of the next 100 years, we had an average of one child per woman, the world population would fall from the current almost 7.8 billion to below 3 billion people.
I have no doubts that this is true. But I wonder why we would want to have only 3 billion people in the world. Every reasonable and informed person knows that our planet is not polluted because there are too many people on it, but because a very small percentage of people, who own the largest percentage of global resources, want the remaining large percentage of people to live in a certain way: in cities, where large quantities of goods need to be delivered and a large number of services provided, which requires a huge volume of traffic (individual and corporate), mass production and, in turn, mass consumption.
In other words, we’re talking about an unsustainable system.
On the other hand, a sustainable system – local communities, with goods produced and distributed locally, and less dependance on large supply chains and systems – is not in the interest of the ruling elite. What is in its interest, however, is to impose new lifestyles on people, create new niche markets to get people to consume a certain type of clothes, typical for the life style (hipsters, goths, celebs, millennials, gays…), a certain type of diet (paleo, keto, vegan, raw food…), music, theater plays, movies, sports, healthy living courses – anything you can think of. As long as there is “just one more thing” that you need to have.
But what about Family? Marriage? Love? Children?
World Population Balance ‘s on mission also involves the concept that appeared in articles and the media a few years ago, noting couples who have opted out of having children – “childfree”.

I can understand that some couples don’t want children at all. It’s their business. But I cannot feel anything other than sadness when I see that such decisions and “lifestyles” – for this is just another style imposed on us – are celebrated and glorified as something inherently good.
Just because someone has made a particular choice for themselves, with a view to their own individual circumstances, does not mean that this choice deserves to stand alongside that which is the very foundation on which human society was formed and has survived for centuries – and that is family.
Childfree? As in free of diapers, baby food, sleepless nights, child diseases, bruised knees, muddy hands, stained furniture – but also free of endless love that cannot be put into words, that is so huge and still fits into two small eyes, a child’s innocent gaze full of admiration, because for her there is no one in the whole world except you, one and only – mummy!
Free of the quiet pitter-patter of tiny feet when she comes to your bed in the middle of the night.
Free of all the little victories and successes that she accomplishes before your eyes day in, day out.
Free of childish promises: “Mummy, when I grow up, I’m gonna buy you all the pretty dresses in the world!”
But to this organization… it’s website says, “Congestion Begins at Conception.”
What to say to such a sad, sad, statement?

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