WHO report: fertility regulating vaccines by Beatriz Montes October 4, 2021 0 3.4k The pandemic, whether we like it or not, has done us a great favor: it has uncovered the reality behind ...
Dogs are better than children? by Marco Respinti May 20, 2021 0 256 Children, in fact, pollute the environment and steal food from others. This was written by a "Vogue" columnist, and yes, ...
One Planet, One Child: A New Horrible Campaign Against Family, Children and Love by Marija Stajić September 28, 2020 0 4k Childfree? As in free of diapers, baby food, sleepless nights, child diseases, bruised knees, muddy hands, stained furniture – but ...
Auschwitz and the Pill by Guillaume De Thieulloy January 26, 2020 0 632 The links between Nazis experimentations in Auschwitz and the contraception industry.