Italian PM Meloni critizes decision to make birth control pill free of charge by iFamNews Germany May 23, 2023 0 156 In Italy, there is still a resistance among doctors to perform abortions. The pharmaceutical industry now wants to counteract this. ...
Canada: British Columbia first province to offer free contraception by iFamNews Germany March 29, 2023 0 832 Like so many others, BC authorities are turning a blind eye to all the adverse side effects of hormonal contraception ...
Natural Conception Regulation: more than a safe alternative to harmful contraceptives by Johann R. Porter December 7, 2022 0 644 Interview with Elisabeth Rötzer, Director of the Institute for Natural Conception Regulation.
A Note of Appreciation for Pope Benedict XVI by Frank Schubert April 20, 2021 0 330 Elected Pope sixteen years ago this week, Benedict's papacy was marked by clear leadership and steadfast and resolute communications reaffirming ...
One Planet, One Child: A New Horrible Campaign Against Family, Children and Love by Marija Stajić September 28, 2020 0 4k Childfree? As in free of diapers, baby food, sleepless nights, child diseases, bruised knees, muddy hands, stained furniture – but ...
Your Brain on Birth Control by Nicole King February 17, 2020 0 597 Women on Hormonal Contraception Should Pause and Think About Its Effects on Their Thinking