Biden administration issues controversial resource on LGBT issues in schools by Cato August 23, 2021 0 1.6k Civil rights offices in the Depts. of Justice and Education, tasked with knowing the law, get the law so wrong....
The SEC and NASDAQ bow down before the woke gods by Cato August 21, 2021 0 1.4k In clear violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Wall St. has aligned itself with identity politics. It is an...
It is time to ban commercial surrogacy by Cato August 19, 2021 0 1.1k Commercial surrogacy is a threat to children, women, and the family. And if the female body continues to be viewed...
Andrew Cuomo–just the latest Democratic abuser of women by Cato August 15, 2021 0 1.8k They boast being "champions" for women, but oft-times they are their abusers. For Democrat politicians like Cuomo, they're just following...
A radical idea whose time may have come: social conservatives partnering with private sector unions by Cato August 10, 2021 0 1.3k Strange bedfellows? Yes. But perhaps this partnership will not only help union membership flourish but also give more leverage to...
American Medical Association continues its descent down the path of political extremism by Cato August 2, 2021 0 1.9k For the past several decades, the American Medical Association has been–to quote Vladimir Lenin–a reliable “useful idiot” of the woke...
German court convicts Polish author and German publisher of paper exposing crimes of homosexual lobby in the Church by Cato July 29, 2021 0 2.9k Not only does it show that the courts are valuing abusers over victims, it shows the courts are in cahoots...
Tip of the Iceberg: putting IOF and its leadership in the crosshairs by Cato July 23, 2021 0 753 Datta and co. get personal, launching specific attacks on leaders within the International Organization for the Family.
Tip of the Iceberg: another blatant EU attack on Christians by Cato July 21, 2021 0 1.5k LGBT activist Neil Datta's report on sexuality and reproductive health is really one on how to push the LGBT and...
Poland opens dynamic new conservative university dedicated to freedom of thought by Cato July 16, 2021 0 997 Partnering with some of the world's top scholars and conservative organizations, Poland's Collegium Intermarium is preparing a training ground to...