Loony leftists attempting to “mess with Texas” and its pro-life stance by Cato October 9, 2021 0 259 Leftist companies and governments are out in full force, showing their contempt for the sanctity of life. And it's the...
Time to end modern forms of segregation by Cato October 6, 2021 0 590 A perverse "Ex Uno Pluria" is being crafted throughout the legislative halls and college dormitories of our nation. And as...
IOF: truth is our only standard by Cato October 1, 2021 0 350 Even as the light of truth shines, our enemies work to extinguish the flame. Our efforts here at IOF are...
Left-wing EU attacks pro-family local governments in Poland by Cato September 30, 2021 0 1.2k Let us hope that Poland remains strong in this battle and gives encouragement to other governments to take a stand...
Leftist US Conference of Mayors backs teaching of radical critical race theory by Cato September 27, 2021 0 367 If we are to believe the Conference, espousing and promoting Marxist ideology–like Critical Race Theory–is now non-partisanship. That is absurd....
Immigration: Democrat subversion plus GOP stupidity a dangerous elixir for America’s future by Cato September 15, 2021 0 441 The Democrat Party has been a winner on the changing demography of the nation. And it's time for Republicans to...
Speaking truth to power: one courageous bishop’s stand against transgender ideology by Cato September 13, 2021 0 870 Bishop Burbidge urges the faithful to not give in to the false compassion of transgender activists, but to be the...
IOF joins international anti-commercial surrogacy coalition and signs UN petition by Cato September 3, 2021 0 1k It's big business. It's dehumanizing. It's tied to human sex trafficking. And it needs to be stopped. Now.
If certain minorities cannot meet high school graduation standards, suspend the standards by Cato August 31, 2021 0 1.1k A five-year span leading up to the 2020 school year showed marked improvement from non-White/Asian high-schoolers in Oregon. But SB-744...
Leftist education group: PTAs, unions, merit too “white-centered” by Cato August 28, 2021 0 686 The "Good Trouble Principals" is a just a bad harbinger for the creeping Communism that has infiltrated our educational system.