Selfishness has been tried and it has failed by Cato July 24, 2023 0 434 If Western Civilization is to have any hope of surviving, people of goodwill should do all they can to restore...
Let’s give the transgender radicals what they want—the end of female sports by Cato June 3, 2023 0 833 If only unisex teams and categories existed, there would hardly be a team with any females on it and hardly...
I bid you stand, Men of the West! by Cato May 27, 2023 0 562 Tragically, as we have increasingly concentrated solely on ourselves and neglected God and greatness, we have been allowing Western Civilization...
When will our leaders come clean and finally admit that preferences based on race, ethnicity, and sex are a national scourge? by Cato May 25, 2023 0 89 It is a subject that no one, not even conservative Republicans, wants to talk about. Indeed, almost all people on...
Benedict XVI: Support the natural family before demographic winter comes to the West by Cato February 6, 2023 0 152 Will Europe and the West finally admit that their countries are dying? And if so, will they listen to Pope...
George Orwell’s “double think” alive and well in Massachusetts by Cato February 4, 2023 0 1.1k Will the sane people of Massachusetts rise up against this lunacy? Will people in other states suffering this insanity speak...
Some thoughts on the breakdown of Western Civilization by Cato January 31, 2023 0 1.7k Not a perfect civilization by far, but the best of all the alternatives.
Can we just watch sports, please? by Cato January 28, 2023 0 491 Big Sports continues to publicly support the radical LGBT agenda
“And Carthage must be destroyed….” by Cato January 25, 2023 0 1.2k So as I write on cultural issues for IFamNews, I will end all of my articles “And the radical LGBT...
Serbia population decline: just the tip of the European iceberg by Cato January 4, 2023 0 2.2k The expected population losses in Europe between now and 2100, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, will approach numbers not...