Last updated on November 25th, 2022 at 09:34 am
Destroy a society’s traditional sexual mores, and you destroy that society, writes Noelle Mering in her book Awake, Not Woke. In this book, Mering shows how Marxist ideologues, including their current woke iteration, have always tried to destroy the family in order to destroy society so that they can create a Marxist utopia on its ruins.
Mering notes that British social anthropologist J.D Unwin, in his 1936 book Sex and Culture, found an important link between traditional sexuality and the health of a society: the stronger a society upholds sex solely within marriage, the more that society will thrive. Mering writes:
“The single most important influential factor in determining the flourishing of a society, Unwin discovered, was whether pre-nuptial chastity was a strict social norm or not; when this was combined with absolute monogamy, the society flourished all the more.”
Unwin also found that it takes three generations for a societal change toward either more restrictive or more permissive sexual norms to fully take effect. He noted that when a society reaches the third generation of a shift toward radically permissive sexual norms, that society is in serious jeopardy. Mering states:
“At that point, the society ‘is characterized by people who have little interest in much else other than their own wants and needs. At this level, the culture is usually conquered or taken over by another culture with greater social energy.’”
How does sexual permissiveness destroy a society? By destroying the family and shattering the bonds between men and women and the children they create. Mering writes:
“Weakening the sexual mores of culture is at the heart of dismantling the family by way of the father initially, though it can, and often does, begin by way of the woman as well. Through sexual coarseness, the father becomes weak and devoid of moral authority, the wife becomes devalued and resentful, and children grow up cynical and rebellious. Everyone is wounded.”

With weakened sexual norms, out-of-wedlock births and divorce soar. More children grow up without a father. Men are less likely to get married because sex is readily available and women become resentful because they feel that men value them only for the sex they provide. And so the family collapses.
Without strong families, people begin to lose their identities; without a family identity, people are more likely to identify with tribal groups based on race, sex, and ethnicity, which stand in opposition to one another. Mering writes:
“In losing the family, we have lost our very selves and are left to desperately grasp at any identity on offer to us, contrived or otherwise…Targeting the family is intrinsic to the agenda of woke ideology precisely because of the way the family is meant to uphold the dignity of the person and serve as a bulwark against political tribalism. A healthy well-formed family is preventative: it provides the belonging and care that prepares one to walk confidently into adulthood. As the family is weakened, the pull towards tribalism grows, feeds, and repeats itself. The effort to destroy the family has left people yearning for it all the more; without the family, we become susceptible to a facsimile of it.”
With society thus divided into warring “identity groups”, it is on a sure path to total collapse.
Marxists and other woke ideologues all too well have intuitively understood this phenomenon, which is why they have always promoted permissive sexual mores as a way to destroy the traditional family based on Judeo-Christian norms. Mering writes:
“The revolutionaries, from Marx to Marcuse, seemed to know this [how societies collapse] with remarkable prescience. Their plan to demolish the family, though it sounds like the rantings of a madman, has turned out to be the most obvious and yet insidious tactic in their playbook. Like a long game of Jenga, pull at one stabilizing piece of the tower and the entire thing collapses on itself.”
Indeed, over the past sixty years left-wing activists have been very successful in America and the rest of the West in destroying traditional sexuality, and the traditional family as a result, through promotion of the sexual revolution. And according to Unwin’s calculations noted above, we are now in a very precarious position. Mering writes:
“Generations are generally considered to cover a span of twenty to thirty years. Let us say thirty. If we consider the sexual revolution to have begun in the mid-1960’s when it erupted (though it was seeded and simmering decades prior), then we are at the end of the second generation [of a societal change to more permissive sexual mores] and entering the third. According to Unwin’s findings, we are entering the beginning of societal collapse.”
Indeed, we can see the carnage all around us. An out-of-wedlock birth rate over 40% (and over 70% among African Americans) and a divorce rate of 50%. Millions of children growing up in homes without a committed father in their lives. Millions more being killed in the womb. Millions of women feeling resentful because men sexually use them and millions of men forgoing marriage because sex is readily available. Then comes Black Lives Matter. Antifa. The Human Rights Campaign, GLAAD, and other radical LGBT organizations. Radical feminism. La Raza. Black and Hispanic chambers of commerce, law societies, medical societies, honor societies, college dormitories, and other racial- and ethnic-exclusive entities. One of our two major political parties largely composed of blacks, Hispanics, LGBT activists, and other minorities. All these identity groups are destroying our society right before our eyes. Let us hope that people will once again see the crucial role the Judeo-Christian family plays in our society before it is too late; we are entering the third generation of the sexual revolution and time is running out.
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