Destroy traditional sexual mores and you destroy society by Cato August 22, 2022 0 3.3k We can see the carnage all around us. Millions of children killed in the womb. Millions of women feeling resentful ...
Ask Peter Kreeft: another gem from the “Sage of Boston College” by Cato June 12, 2021 0 456 With his characteristic deep insights, unwavering devotion to the Truth, and an ability to make complex topics understandable by laymen, ...
“Understanding sex and gender”—part four: when science becomes non-binary by Joseph Grabowski March 25, 2021 0 6k For the critic of gender theory who would appeal to biology, it's a "heads, I lose; tails, you win" proposition.
“Understanding sex and gender”—part three: the Frankenstein twins by Joseph Grabowski March 18, 2021 0 881 How the conquest of biology by "gender" became a rout.
“Understanding sex and gender”—part two: nature, nurture, neologism by Joseph Grabowski March 11, 2021 0 695 In the 1950s, "gender" becomes bespoke rather than spoken.
“Understanding sex and gender”—part one: a brief semantic history by Joseph Grabowski March 11, 2021 0 1.1k What "gender" would have meant at the beginning of the previous century is much different from what it meant at ...
From Flynt to Tinder: reflecting on the troubling legacy of one man and his whole era by Joseph Grabowski February 11, 2021 0 843 Flynt's story functions as a cautionary tale for us.
From champion of the family to its archenemy—the tragic transformation of the United Nations by E. Douglas Clark January 14, 2021 0 326 With the new Biden administration, the United States does an about face by joining ranks with the EU and powerful ...
No More “Husband” and “Wife,” Says the UN: Another Front in the Global Sexual Revolution by E. Douglas Clark June 3, 2020 0 1.4k Striking at the heart of the natural family, the United Nations is urging elimination of the very words that describe ...
A Contagion of Hope amid an Epidemic of Misinformation by E. Douglas Clark April 16, 2020 0 453 This is a time for science and solidarity. Yet the global ‘misinfo-demic’ is spreading…