Selfishness has been tried and it has failed by Cato July 24, 2023 0 434 If Western Civilization is to have any hope of surviving, people of goodwill should do all they can to restore ...
Dennis Prager on the importance of Judeo-Christian values by IFN English May 28, 2023 0 117 The importance of these values cannot be overstated, and understanding them is crucial to the future of Western society.
Some thoughts on the breakdown of Western Civilization by Cato January 31, 2023 0 1.7k Not a perfect civilization by far, but the best of all the alternatives.
Destroy traditional sexual mores and you destroy society by Cato August 22, 2022 0 3.3k We can see the carnage all around us. Millions of children killed in the womb. Millions of women feeling resentful ...
Canada: National Defense group says religious persons not suitable for military chaplains by Barbara Santambrogio June 8, 2022 0 389 Recommendations for choosing military chaplains effectively exclude Christians, Muslims, Jews. Yes, really.
Hollywood: distorting reality to denigrate the Judeo-Christian worldview and traditional morality by Cato February 2, 2022 0 1.1k Karl Marx said in 1843, "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and ...
Individual character and competence–the only standard of judgment by Cato December 6, 2021 0 502 Spin doctor leftists will use individual actions to suit their own twisted narratives. But the bottom line is this: judgment ...