Charges filed against Spanish senator for attacking Christians and tearing down crosses by iFamNews Spain March 3, 2023 0 1.7k Attacks on Christian symbols continue in Spain.
Twitter user desecrates a hermitage, advertises it as a cruising area for homosexuals by iFamNews Spain March 2, 2023 0 511 Christians are tired of the continuous attacks always by the same groups. We only ask for the same respect that ...
Spain takes long strides down the slippery slope by Leonor Tamayo February 27, 2023 0 1.8k Spain passes laws against family, marriage, parental rights, biological sex and life.
Why does a woman usually have an abortion? Too often because of the pressure of a man by Álvaro Zulueta February 18, 2023 0 1.1k Motherhood is among the highest callings of a woman and we need to respect and honor it. No one should ...
I do want to hear the fetal heartbeat! by Leonor Tamayo February 8, 2023 0 2k Abortionists don't want parents to hear the baby's beating heart. They have jumped up like hyenas. And there is a ...
Christian Lawyers denounces pro-abortion nurse posing as gynecologist by iFamNews Spain February 5, 2023 0 920 The PSOE granted important subsidies to this nurse pretending to be a gynecologist, who is also on their lists.
Bad news on the life front by iFamNews Italia January 24, 2023 0 1.1k By now, everywhere in the world the alarm has been raised resulting from the demographic winter, people are no longer ...
Spain: Complaint against two officials over “chemsex” app by iFamNews Spain January 8, 2023 0 1.5k Encouraging minors to use drugs by a public administration may constitute a crime and may lead to the disqualification of ...
Spain: State subsidies for a film seeking 5 yro transgender children by iFamNews Spain December 30, 2022 0 1.2k "Promoting transsexuality in minors under the legally required age can be a crime and, therefore, cannot be subsidized."
Spain: Sex-ed plan that teaches masturbation to 3-year-olds by iFamNews Spain December 19, 2022 0 1.9k Christian Lawyers foundation is asking the court to stop this "intrusion in the education of our children, which corrupts children ...