Complaint to European Commission against Spain for abusive use of abortion law with repeat abortions by iFamNews Spain October 2, 2023 0 254 Polonia Castellanos said that "in many cases, these repeat abortions cover up cases of abuse and prostitution, and abortion centers ...
Spanish Constitutional Court infringes on its competencies, tries to create a “right” to abortion by iFamNews Spain August 15, 2023 0 570 Judicial impartiality must be the basis for legal action both in Spain and everywhere else in Europe.
Spain: Complaint to Lebrija City Council over an exhibition of “gay pride” by iFamNews Spain June 27, 2023 0 293 The contentious posters display sexualized content in a public place, such as explanations of terms from gender ideology ("pansexual", "asexual", ...
Boys: The forgotten ones in the education system by Leonor Tamayo June 5, 2023 0 406 Boys consistently and steadily lead in school failure and have much less access to university. But no one cares, no ...
Spanish Constitutional Court upholds Zapatero’s abortion law thirteen years later by Luca Volontè May 20, 2023 0 438 This is a clear illustration of the politicization of justice for electoral purposes, given that in a few months there ...
STOP indoctrination in the classroom by María Menéndez de Zubillaga May 12, 2023 0 906 Why are public funds used to promote and impose a political or ideological agenda?
High-ranking Spanish official denounced for promoting sexting among 14-year-olds by iFamNews Spain May 10, 2023 0 608 A published guide recommends the use of tools to share images of sexual content inciting minors to this practice, and ...
Spain: Equality campaign with explicit images of women having sex by iFamNews Spain April 26, 2023 0 14.6k The ad campaign constitutes unlawful advertising and contains explicit sex references, in violation of two laws.
New offense to Christians: Scandalous poster on Spanish bus stops by iFamNews Spain March 18, 2023 0 854 "It is intolerable that they appeal to freedom of expression to insult and vex Christians and offend our beliefs."
Catholic Churches in Latin America defaced by feminists on March 8 by Luca Volontè March 15, 2023 0 1.4k "In the name of respect and nonviolence, violence and insults are being inflicted on us. I think this is unacceptable ...