Brooklyn’s proposed Miss Major Middle Charter School allows children to explore gender identity by IFN English February 16, 2024 0 47 A proposal for a new charter school in Brooklyn, New York, that promises to allow children from grade five upwards ...
Iraqi regulator bans use of “homosexuality” and “gender” in media, imposes term “sexual deviance” by IFN English August 16, 2023 0 442 The directive extends to phone and internet companies licensed by the CMC, prohibiting them from using these terms in their ...
New study: Most Germans care little about gender-inclusive language by iFamNews Germany February 21, 2023 0 291 For almost two-thirds of people, gender-inclusive language plays little or no role.
Naked men in front of children: they call it art by iFamNews Italia April 19, 2022 0 1.7k Naked in front of children and parents: the scandalous Family Sex Show targets children in particular.
Biden to fund abortion in foreign countries with 2.6 billion dollar “gender equality” request by IFN English March 12, 2022 0 399 The Biden administration has requested 2.6 billion dollars to be allocated towards defending "gender equality" worldwide. “I’m proud that my ...
Transgender dementia patients remember only their biological sex by Marija Stajić July 15, 2021 0 6.6k Ideology fades, but reality remains–transgender old persons remember their biological sex.
The “gender unicorn” is back, with a vengeance by Joseph Grabowski May 13, 2021 0 1.8k The "gender unicorn" is back, and this time, it's no laughing matter; perhaps it never really was.
Males become females to meet “pink quota” by Marco Respinti May 12, 2021 0 376 It's happening in Mexico and it's the most classic heterogenesis of ends. And it's also stupid.
LGBT+ Eurotrash by Marco Respinti March 13, 2021 0 393 EU becomes 'LGBT+ freedom zone' in response to Poland's alleged 'LGBT+ -free zones'
BREAKING: Historic Court Hearing Scheduled Challenging Critical Race Theory Indoctrination by Frank Schubert February 22, 2021 0 2.2k A first-in-the-nation federal court hearing is set this week to consider if schools may impose bigoted "critical race theory" instruction ...