Last updated on July 22nd, 2021 at 11:59 am
The popularization of new phenomena and trends in the world, including lifestyles (because when we call them that, then it’s all “fine” and “trendy”), has led to the emergence of hitherto unknown problems and doubts.
Back in March 2018, the BBC announced that the NHS in North Wales had issued new guidelines for medical staff caring for transgender people with dementia, in order to ensure that patients in North Wales receive the dignified and compassionate care that every human being deserves. Of course, it is indisputable that every human being is valuable and deserves to be treated with respect and dignity – and indeed medical workers should be reminded of this a little more often since we know how patients are treated in some hospitals, such as in my home country Serbia, what kind of food is served to new mothers in the maternity ward, etc.
However, mothers and other patients will apparently have to wait a little longer for “dignified and compassionate care”, as the staff must now turn their attention to transgender patients with dementia.
It turns out that those admitted to a nursing home suffering with dementia who underwent a sex-change surgery (or who for a part of their lives dressed and lived as a person of the opposite sex) may also exhibit confusion about how their biological sex meshes with their “preferred gender”.
Sixty-six-year-old Jenny Burgess also participated in compiling the guidelines. In 2017 she (or at the time “he”) went into surgery to have her sex changed. Jenny stated for the BBC that transgender patients with dementia “may wake up one day and they’ll be confused why they’re dressed in a certain way.”
“Take for instance a transgender woman – they (sic!) may well get quite concerned and disturbed at being in female clothes. They may worry why certain parts are missing from their anatomy”, she noted.

I think this confirms all that has been stated by scientists who are still faithful to science, logic and common sense, and not ideology, and who are constantly warning of the pernicious influence of transgender ideology (e.g., see books by Ryan T. Anderson and Abigail Shrier).
It is therefore necessary to train medical staff and enable them to help these poor old people overcome these difficult moments. Indeed, without any irony, I agree that these are very difficult moments. Imagine that you are old; that most of your memories are lost in the mists of time and then. And then, one ray of light finally breaks through that mist and you realize that what you see in the mirror is not really you. Imagine these old men and women and their astonishment when someone addresses them as a person of the opposite sex from the one in which they were born. Even when memories fade and the fog of time becomes ever thicker, their sexual identity–their masculinity or femininity–remains one of the few segments of reality that their consciousness clings to until the very end.
Imagine a “transgender woman”–that is, a biological man, who at one point becomes aware of himself and the world around him, and the only thing he remembers is that he was born a man. Imagine his shock of realizing he no longer has his genitals.
Imagine a “transgender man”–that is, a biological woman who realizes in those rare moments of lucidity that she is dressed in male clothes and how panicked and confused she may feel because of that. What am I wearing? Why am I dressed like this?
Jonathan van Maren described it nicely and poignantly: “This is discussed calmly and casually by professionals as if it did not highlight the insanity of transgender ideology. The trans movement is making the case that people can defy nature and choose their own reality. Those who care for the elderly are preparing for the trauma that will occur when ideology fades and only reality remains, leaving confused old people wondering what has happened to them.”
Yes, when the ideology fades and reality is all that remains, these poor people go back to their “default settings”, ie. to the state in which they were born, as created by nature or by God, whichever way you want, which only shows how important biological sex is to our identity and how inconceivable and far-reaching are the consequences of playing with sex change, genders, fluidity, and the rest of the palette.
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