Japanese government presents proposals to increase birth rate by Luca Volontè April 5, 2023 0 578 Japan is serious about the war on low birth rate and supporting families and children is truly a top priority ...
How is the population policy in Europe? Seriously bad. by Luca Volontè March 27, 2023 0 388 Europe is aging, and countries with large immigration have more births to foreign-born mothers than native-born ones.
Japan determined to defeat its upcoming demographic catastrophe by Luca Volontè February 19, 2023 0 1.2k For the first time, a Japanese government is making the population crisis a top priority
Benedict XVI: Support the natural family before demographic winter comes to the West by Cato February 6, 2023 0 152 Will Europe and the West finally admit that their countries are dying? And if so, will they listen to Pope ...
Serbia population decline: just the tip of the European iceberg by Cato January 4, 2023 0 2.2k The expected population losses in Europe between now and 2100, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, will approach numbers not ...
Usefulness of the useless World Population Day by Marco Respinti July 14, 2022 0 134 On July 11 2023, we will still be here saying the same things, if man–not the state, not the government, ...
Young Japanese opt for manga and anime rather than marriage by iFamNews Italia July 12, 2022 0 600 A vertical drop in the number of marriages: disheartening figures released by Japan's Cabinet Office for 2021.
Japan’s birth rate continues to slump by iFamNews Italia June 7, 2022 0 381 The Japanese Ministry of Health releases the latest troubling statistics.
US birth rates on the rise by iFamNews Italia June 6, 2022 0 365 After seven years of decline, finally a silver lining breaking through the darkness of the "demographic winter".
Caritas ex Machina? UK to Try to Use Robots to Combat Loneliness in Elder Care Homes by Joseph Grabowski September 18, 2020 0 527 Even puppies or kittens filling this void would be a depressing commentary on a sad state of affairs... but robots? ...