Cambridge dean defends sermon on Jesus’ “transbody,” “vaginal” side wound by iFamNews Germany December 8, 2022 0 641 Blasphemous sermon comparing wound in Jesus' side to a vagina left parishioners "uncomfortable" and "in tears."
More Catholic masses disrupted in Spain by iFamNews Spain December 4, 2022 0 224 Christian Lawyers: "this is a clear violation of the fundamental right to religious freedom of the faithful who were celebrating ...
A powerful African voice urges the West to protect religious liberty by E. Douglas Clark December 1, 2022 0 583 Cardinal Sarah: “We are all at war, whether we recognize it or not. It is good that all of us ...
Intelligent design challenges evolutionism by iFamNews Italia November 22, 2022 0 196 Biochemist Michael Denton shows the full inadequacy of the Darwinian hypothesis to an audience that will soon be pressing him ...
The Frankurt Declaration: a call for the State to recognize the authority of the Church and family by Cato November 21, 2022 0 269 In its five articles the authors defend the Christian worldview against the overreach of increasingly totalitarian states trying to dominate ...
Cardinal Müller: Transhumanism is the offspring of nihilism–it is an “antihumanism” by iFamNews Germany October 17, 2022 0 595 Yuval Harari's transhumanism is the anti-family and anti-human ideology par excellence: "Changing sex is the devil's inspiration."
WARNING EXPLICIT CONTENT: Serious offense at the doors of Spanish temples by iFamNews Spain October 10, 2022 0 1.5k Justice opens proceedings against the author of the offensive performance for a possible crime against religious feelings.
Nicaragua’s dictatorship expels Mother Teresa’s missionaries by Luis Losada October 9, 2022 0 882 A hatred that can only be explained by the fact that the Church is the only voice with moral authority ...
Colombian Constitutional Court: “The crucifix does not indoctrinate or coerce” by Luis Losada October 8, 2022 0 548 The Constitutional Court of Colombia rejected a case that demanded the removal of the crucifix from the plenary room of ...
IOF Ally and Keynote Speaker To Become Italy’s Next Prime Minister by Frank Schubert September 28, 2022 0 495 Giorgia Meloni, an ally of the International Organization for the Family and a keynote speaker at its World Congress of ...