Scandal: UK’s Penny Mordaunt can define a woman by Marco Respinti July 19, 2022 0 846 Pro-abortion, pro-LGBT+, UK leading candidate to succeed Boris Johnson says a cat whose tail you cut off remains a cat. ...
Church of England cannot define the word “woman” by Cato July 12, 2022 0 886 If there ever was a case of George Orwell’s doublethink, this is it.
WHO plays God: World Health Organization changes its definition of sex by Brian Brown, Jr. July 12, 2022 0 979 The controversial World Health Organization (WHO) has decided to change its definition of sex by saying "it is not limited ...
Senator Hawley scorned by woke professor, calls him “transphobic” by Brian Brown, Jr. July 12, 2022 0 612 A Senate hearing on legal concerns after Roe vs. Wade went sour during a heated exchange between Senator Josh Hawley ...
The unreality of transgenderism by Cato July 7, 2022 0 2.4k One hundred years from now our descendants will look back at the first half of the 21st century and be ...
It’s official, Canadians have five genders (for now) by Luca Volontè May 14, 2022 0 2.5k The 2021 population census puts citizens into five "gender identities." It's a first for both Canada and the world.
No non-binary “X” on documents in Oklahoma by iFamNews Italia May 4, 2022 0 259 Approved bill will take effect immediately. You are either male or female. No other option is available in identification documents.
Dedication to the truth—why people don’t get their own pronouns by Cato February 1, 2022 0 700 Language matters. But not to the cultural Marxists overthrowing reality with their warped ideology. Matt Walsh writes that we must ...
New BBC documentary: child’s tears as a tool for garnering social acceptance of transgenderism by Marija Stajić August 23, 2021 0 1.4k When feelings replace facts, chaos ensues. And this chaotic "documentary" is an attack on children and the Natural Law.
“Understanding sex and gender”—part five: the medical mistake by Joseph Grabowski April 9, 2021 0 763 These doctors are guilty of what G. K. Chesterton called "the huge modern heresy of altering the human soul to ...