You can get killed only if you have been vaccinated

If you want to be euthanized in Hamburg, you must prove that you are healthy. When the ridiculous is added to the tragic.

Euthanasia only for vaccinated persons (Verein Sterbhilfe)

In Hamburg "euthanasia only for the vaccinated and the recovered".

The COVID-19 era has produced many paradoxes, and the fact that the prevailing healthism is in shocking counterpoint with the total nonchalance which is reserved daily by most for thousands of children killed in their mothers’ wombs, carriers of “handicap” that are suppressed because they are judged not worthy of living – and so when the suffering, terminally ill and weary of life are killed because they ask for it, there’s nothing new or strange about it.

But it is equally tragic when the standard administrators of death can no longer even see how ridiculous they are.

At 36 Schanzenstraße in Hamburg, Germany, is the headquarters of the Verein Sterbehilfe, i.e. the “Association for Aid to Death”, even though the euthanasia it offers is the exact opposite of the concept of “aid”.

Given the mother virus, which continues to rage, and its variants that keep propping up at every street corner, the Association that gives death to those who request it has established a strict protocol, which it defends with Teutonic intransigence. To ask to die you must now prove that you are healthy, i.e. that you are vaccinated against the new coronavirus by showing your “vaccination certificate”. Otherwise nothing: no one can get killed.

“Sterbehilfe nur noch für Geimpfte und Genesene” is displayed on the Association’s website: euthanasia is reserved only for the vaccinated and the recovered. Of course, you don’t want some hapless “no-vax” and “no-pass” infecting someone else, or risk killing them…

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