You can get killed only if you have been vaccinated by Marco Respinti January 13, 2022 0 1.6k If you want to be euthanized in Hamburg, you must prove that you are healthy. When the ridiculous is added ...
Have more children to save the planet by Federico Cenci January 12, 2022 0 1.4k Against neo-Malthusianism: giving birth to fewer children would have virtually no effect on the environment; rather, it would have a ...
Support for European Federation “One of Us” for the right to life in Europe by Marina Casini Bandini January 4, 2022 0 1.2k The "Conference for the Future of Europe" platform is open to discussion, but it needs to be manned immediately to ...
Facial recognition at school: a brave (and dangerous) new world by Luca Marcolivio December 17, 2021 0 709 Welcome to the new school. Health and logistical reasons prevail, but nonetheless the Scottish experiment is very disturbing.
Black Friday: discounted children by Marco Respinti November 16, 2021 0 4.3k A "Black Friday" for surrogate moms. Black, indeed... for a culture sinking quietly to the depths of depravity.
Are you a ‘she’ or a ‘he’? Subjective sex identity in Canada by Federico Cenci October 20, 2021 0 689 A restaurant owner refuses to use a “non-binary” pronoun when addressing an employee and is convicted by court.
Timo Soini: A “True Finn” and Catholic by Federico Cenci October 3, 2021 0 730 Former conservative deputy prime minister of Finland on the future of Europe: "I'm very worried.”
Abortion and gay “marriage”: losses in Europe also a prelude to victory by Marco Respinti September 28, 2021 0 1.5k A heavy majority imposes abortion in San Marino and LGBT+ “marriage” in Switzerland. Yet, all is not lost. The day ...
Let’s celebrate Ireland, where euthanasia has been stopped by Angelo Bottone August 11, 2021 0 1.8k A big little victory for the pro-life front, marking a change of pace. Whether momentary or not, remains to be ...
“The scenarios are sinister”–Why I’m suspending screenings of my films to protest the Covid ‘Green Pass’ by Federico Cenci August 8, 2021 0 1.9k Federica Picchi, founder of Dominus Production: "It is a testimony for freedom".