You can get killed only if you have been vaccinated by Marco Respinti January 13, 2022 0 1.6k If you want to be euthanized in Hamburg, you must prove that you are healthy. When the ridiculous is added ...
Face masks: are we sure they’re not harming our children? by Federico Cenci July 9, 2021 0 835 While a German study highlights the problem of children inhaling carbon dioxide, a leading pediatric cardiologist says mask-wearing needs "further ...
“Vaccination passport” for attending the Mass? by Federico Cenci April 27, 2021 0 197 In Great Britain the debate rages, on while in Italy the "green pass" arrives.
Don’t have the COVID-19 vaccine? You may be left to die by Federico Cenci April 19, 2021 0 598 Only vaccinated in St. Vincent will be evacuated off the island while the remaining fend for themselves against the volcano. ...
Let me tell you about life in Florida, without restrictions by Federico Cenci April 12, 2021 0 391 Italian journalist in Miami: "COVID-19 is defeated with vaccines, not with lockdowns."
Covid-19: We stay at home. To be cured by Anna Egidia Catenaro April 7, 2021 0 294 There is life beyond paracetamol. Why then mock doctors who operate "in good conscience", as the Lazio Regional Administrative Court ...