Why pro-abortion arguments never will be valid

Last updated on May 16th, 2022 at 11:16 am

In article entitled “The end of Roe v. Wade hurts you, too, even if you don’t plan to march,” published by Fox News (!) on May 9, 2022, leftists author Rachel Carmona decries the potential overturning of the 1973 Supreme Court decision that elevated abortion to a Constitutional right. In regard to the recently leaked draft Supreme Court decision that would overturn Roe, Carmona writes:

“Here’s the problem: What’s about to happen in this country isn’t just an assault on the vocal minority of women who’ve been taking to the streets, to state capitals, to the Capitol to demand that our voices are heard, that our rights aren’t trampled on, that our bodies stay ours. It’s an assault on the silent majority of this country, too. On the women — and men — who haven’t chanted, marched, or protested. Who haven’t taken to the streets or shown up to halls of power. Who still, nonetheless, want abortion to be safe, accessible, and legal.”

Carmona then claims that a “silent majority” of 80% of Americans want abortion to be legal:

“It’s a whopping 80% of all Americans, a supermajority. Some of us identify as pro-choice; others don’t. Some of us are Democrats; some are Republicans; and others still are apolitical. Some of us get lifesaving health care from Planned Parenthood; others have protested outside its doors. Some of us believe abortion is fundamental, an extension of our right to privacy and bodily autonomy… It makes sense, then, that while eighty percent of this country agrees on almost nothing — even and especially regarding abortion — there is one big exception: When the time comes to make this deeply personal choice, 80% of this country believes that you and your doctor should have the right to make it together, without the government holding you back.”

She then argues that should the draft opinion become final, no one will be safe:

“[T]his ruling doesn’t just go after Democrats, or the pro-choice movement, or the feminists the far right has always looked down upon, or the activists they’ve never cared for. It goes after everyone. It has the potential to criminalize everyone. Not just the vocal minority in the streets in deep blue states and cities, but the silent majority sitting around their kitchen tables in small conservative towns like the one I call home in Texas, grateful for the abortion their wife was able to access during a pregnancy that put her health at risk, or afraid of the one their granddaughter might no longer be able to access if she were raped.”

Carmona concludes that she and her radical activist friends will keep on “chanting, marching and protesting. We’ll keep donating and voting until the attacks on our rights and our bodily autonomy end.” Who are they doing this for? “[W]e’re not just doing it for us. We’re doing it for you — for the silent majority — too. “

Despite all that Carmona argues, despite her citing the dubious claim that 80% of Americans support abortion, in the end her argument should hold no sway. Why? Because a baby developing in his mother’s womb is a human.

Let’s look at two incontrovertible scientific facts. First, the child developing in his mother’s womb has a unique human genetic code that is different from his mother’s (and father’s). Just like all humans, the child has 46 chromosomes, with twenty-three chromosomes coming from each of his parents. Second, assuming no anomalies, at any stage of a pregnancy a child is at the proper stage of development for a human. For example, at six weeks of age a child in the womb is at the same stage of development as you and I were at six weeks old. Were we not human then? These two facts strongly show that a child developing in his mother’s womb is just as human as you and I.

It must also be noted that the arguments used to support abortion—the mother is too poor, the mother is too young, the mother already has too many children, having a child would be too much of a burden for the mother, the mother is not ready to have a child, there is no father in the picture, etc.—can be used to support the killing of children already born. Indeed, each of these arguments that applied pre-birth would most likely also apply post-birth. Do we really want to allow people to be able to kill their already-born children? This is where allowing abortion leads to and some of those on the left actually support this position.

Thus, whether 80% of the people believe that abortion should be legal is irrelevant. A child in the womb is just as much human as you and I and murdering an innocent human is always wrong. No poll number can change that fact. And if we fail to stop people from murdering a child in the womb, we will have a hard time arguing that a child already born cannot also be murdered. So keep protesting and marching Rachel Carmona. Both science and reason will always show that you are wrong. Let’s pray that the Supreme Court remains steadfast and supports life when it issues its final opinion in a few months.

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