On Monday, 22 August, the Stop Europride Instagram account, owned by the pro-family association United for Tradition and Family was temporarily closed due to complaints of–hate speech. Instagram notified the account’s administrators that as many as 500 hate speech complaints had been received on the given account, therefore it was temporarily disabled.

United for Tradition and Family is an informal umbrella association that gathered patriotic and pro-family organizations with the aim of preventing the announced Europride scheduled to take place in Belgrade next month. None of the members of the association advocate for or want violence against any group of people in Serbia and beyond, which is quite clear from the posts on the association’s Instagram account. The posts included content from similar pride marches around the world in order to inform Serbian citizens about where the introduction of radical LGBT ideology leads, and they invited citizens–if they do not want to see such scenes in Serbia–to come to a peaceful prayer procession scheduled for 28 August, two weeks after the previous procession, which was an entirely peaceful, dignified, joyful and magnificent event–these are the words with which those who attended the processsion described the event.

Stop Europride account of United for Tradition and Family.
However, a number of past events in Serbia that were associated with LGBT activists show that they do not want “equality, rights and a normal life” but actually a privileged position in society which means that nothing can be said against them because any differing opinion has now become–hate speech.
In the West, it is already hate speech if you say that you think marriage is a union of a man and a woman.
In the West, it is hate speech if you profess the biblical truth about man as a bisexual being.
In the West, it’s even hate speech to mention “biological sex” because you’re only allowed to talk about “sex assigned at birth,” which can be different from the “gender identity” that a person develops later in life.
Naturally, it is not hate speech when LGBT activists mock Christians because, as we have already written , in that case “…the mere fact that someone experienced a certain message as offensive is not sufficient grounds for conducting criminal proceedings, because freedom of expression also includes messages that can cause different feelings.”
These days, the testimony of a Serbian woman has become viral on social media. She lives in Germany and she had to pay a fine there for not sending her son to school wearing a dress on the day when children were supposed to cross-dress in order to “explore their gender identity”. This clearly shows which way LGBT activists want to take our country and this is exactly the reason why Serbian citizens are against the “pride” parade because they know how the scenario will play out–today they suspend your social media account because you expressed a differing opinion, tomorrow you pay a fine because your son wants to be a boy.
We have proven many times that the LGBT ideology is violent, totalitarian and leads not only to moral, but also to general chaos in society. The alarm is on.
And so,

Take a look at some more “problematic” posts that led to the suspension of the Instagram account.

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