American College of Pediatricians: Gender transition of young people is a dangerous experiment by iFamNews Serbia October 24, 2023 0 520 American College of Pediatricians: The suppression of normal puberty, the use of disease-causing cross-sex hormones and the surgical mutilation and...
Georgia: Government and Church united in opposing the spread of LGBT propaganda by iFamNews Serbia September 18, 2023 0 506 Our current government and our Church, the Georgian Orthodox Church, are united in the view that it is our duty...
Family in Iran is under attack through media and virtual space by iFamNews Serbia September 13, 2023 0 462 The approach of satellite networks to social issues and the avoidance of politics in a way indicates that women and...
Novak Đoković: I’m sad that sport has become a business through betting bars by iFamNews Serbia September 12, 2023 0 951 There are betting bars at every corner in Serbia, just as there used to be bakeries everywhere. Many people do...
Proaborts take a swipe at prolife movement: Women against the right of women to be informed (part 2) by iFamNews Serbia May 5, 2023 0 549 Those who truly care about women's health will not push them to have an abortion as if it were nothing,...
A mother’s thoughts on tragic shooting in Belgrade, Serbia by iFamNews Serbia May 4, 2023 0 1.7k As a mother of three children: a seven-year-old, a five-year-old and a preschooler, today I am grieving. I imagine that...
Proaborts take a swipe at prolife movement: Women against the right of women to be informed (part 1) by iFamNews Serbia May 2, 2023 0 5k Oh, how easy it is to say that someone is spreading "dangerous ideas", "dangerous agendas", and attacking women's rights "in...
Competition for pro-life themed exhibition in Serbia open for submissions by iFamNews Serbia February 22, 2023 0 938 The concept of the exhibition is based on the words of the Serbian Nobel prize winner, author Ivo Andrić: “The...
The icon of the Mother of God the Milk-Giver by iFamNews Serbia February 1, 2023 0 492 On January 25 in the Gregorian calendar, or January 12 according to the Julian calendar, the Orthodox celebrate this miracle-working...
Blessed are the merciful: Three women feed 200 families by iFamNews Serbia January 22, 2023 0 1.1k The best feeling for me is when I get a message: "Thank you, we don't need help anymore, we've found...