Doubleplus Unscientific: American Cancer Society Adopts Newspeak by Joseph Grabowski August 6, 2020 0 579 A friend sent me a link to a Tweet recently from CNN in a text message. Noting the source, I ...
Netflix Pushes Dangerous Transgender Ideology on Unsuspecting Children by Frank Schubert July 14, 2020 0 2.5k Netflix show attempts to normalize transgenderism, ignoring threats the ideology pose to gender-confused children.
J.K. Rowling Gets This Right by Frank Schubert June 9, 2020 0 1.3k Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling is right: if transgender ideology is accepted as real, it will erase the reality of ...
California Lawmaker Toys with Children’s Psychology by Joseph Grabowski February 28, 2020 0 319 California Assemblyman Evan Low (D- Campbell) is an openly gay lawmaker who made headlines in 2018 for trying to push ...
HGTV Features First “Throuple” by Joseph Grabowski February 26, 2020 0 1.1k Silent on the question of the inevitably confused children living and being raised in the midst of such a strange ...
Endocrinologist Sounds Alarm about Puberty Blockers by Joseph Grabowski January 22, 2020 0 558 "The Pediatric Endocrine Society’s statement that puberty-suppressing agents are reversible is highly deceptive," says doctor.
A New Beginning for Life and Family by Marco Respinti January 22, 2020 0 1.7k Abortion, euthanasia, divorce, LGBT+ ideology, drugs. But there is still hope. And good people. We muster them.
US Appeals Court Panel Finds “No Authority” Requiring Trans Pronouns by Joseph Grabowski January 21, 2020 0 240 The panel wrote that “Congress has said nothing to prohibit courts from referring to litigants according to their biological sex.”