Why I am cutting up my Citibank credit card by Cato March 21, 2022 0 751 Remember when banking was simply about numbers? Today, it's more about pushing the Marxist agenda. Well, I'm having none of ...
Here’s to 2021; a record-breaking pro-life year by Marco Respinti January 14, 2022 0 667 A cause to celebrate, though the world's abortion figures still outpace any and all other causes of human mortality.
Texas law cuts abortion numbers in half, Hungary to invest close to $10 billion euros in the family, and Putin warns the old Soviet ‘Kulturträgers’ still lurk among us by Luca Volontè November 12, 2021 0 386 Spotlight on the good things happening in the world.
Justice Sotomayor’s advice to law students should be heeded by every Supreme Court justice, including Sotomayor by Frank Schubert November 2, 2021 0 341 Justice Sonia Sotomayor has unwittingly explained to law students why the Supreme Court's abortion jurisprudence is fundamentally flawed.