Spread the word, resist the ideological colonization by Marija Stajić November 4, 2022 0 253 Spread the word of how a small but defiant country stood up to the new Marxism. Resist, like Serbia did.
Patriarch Porfirije: The goal of Europride is to transform our society, our values, our way of life by iFamNews Serbia September 13, 2022 0 746 Already in the opening pages of the Scripture, God's word reveals to us that God created man as two sexes, ...
Victory: Serbian President cancels Europride 22 in Belgrade after pro-family forces oppose it! by Cato August 31, 2022 0 851 (Serbian pro-family march on August 28 that drew 50,000 people) After protests organized by Church and pro-family leaders, Serbian President ...
Red Alert for Human Rights and Religious Freedom in Montenegro by Jugoslav Kiprijanović June 24, 2020 0 597 iFamNews gives its full support to the righteous struggle of the clergy and the faithful people of Montenegro for their ...