Why the Supreme Court’s decision may provoke an unprecedented conflict in the US? (Very personal analysis) by Marcial Cuquerella May 7, 2022 0 466 In 1850, a black was not considered a human person subject to rights. The key to Justice Alito's opinion is ...
The tragedy of Puerto Rico, yesterday and today by Barbara Santambrogio May 3, 2022 0 393 Public hearings for abortion-limiting bill open amid criticism.
Children with Down syndrome, more protections in the U.S. by Luca Marcolivio April 29, 2022 0 267 New guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics: finally, suggesting abortion to parents of DS babies will not be something ...
Is abortion OK? Polish abortion activist faces trial by Katarzyna Zych April 22, 2022 0 624 iFamNews Poland speaks with attorney Jakub Słoniowski of the Ordo Iuris Institute.
Abortion by pill becomes more difficult in Louisiana by iFamNews Italia April 21, 2022 0 109 A new bill seeks to ban mail order abortion pills for DIY abortion in Louisiana.
Two main political parties in Malta are pro-life by iFamNews Italia April 20, 2022 0 680 The island's two major parties come out against abortion and euthanasia.
Australia: the people’s will is “pro-life” by iFamNews Italia April 17, 2022 0 353 Recent South Australian election results are in favor of candidates who oppose abortion up to birth.
Poland: legal abortion without compromise? by Katarzyna Zych April 16, 2022 0 516 Pro-abortion groups do not rest: they collected 200,000 signatures for a bill to legalize abortion in Poland. On the other ...
Abortions at an all-time low in Germany by iFamNews Italia April 15, 2022 0 196 It's a 5.4% drop from the previous year, however Scholz's government wants to remove the ban on advertising abortion.
Euthanasia gallops in the Netherlands by iFamNews Italia April 14, 2022 0 124 The analyses of the regional control committees have been published recently, showing an increase of more than 10%.