Where things are headed by Frank Schubert February 16, 2023 0 954 Leftist politicians and governments are criminalizing private prayer when the person praying appears to be in conflict with a preferred ...
Religious liberty under attack for the holidays: the case of King County by E. Douglas Clark December 28, 2022 0 1.5k While images of snowflakes, wreaths, and pine trees are still permissible, the... King County HR department has made it its ...
A powerful African voice urges the West to protect religious liberty by E. Douglas Clark December 1, 2022 0 583 Cardinal Sarah: “We are all at war, whether we recognize it or not. It is good that all of us ...
Blasphemy as a right: the Femen case and beyond by Weronika Przebierała October 24, 2022 0 815 The European Court of Human Rights recognizes that Muslims may not be offended. Fine. But says that Christians may.
From the Eternal City, a clarion call to unitedly defend global religious freedom by E. Douglas Clark July 27, 2022 0 163 We should walk shoulder to shoulder along the path of religious freedom for all, while still exercising that freedom to ...
Abe Shinzo and the “magic” mirror of religious freedom by Marco Respinti July 10, 2022 0 580 When the late former Japanese prime minister made an incredible gesture at the hands of Pope Francis.
‘A victory so big you can see it from the moon… and Brussels,’ says Hungary’s Viktor Orban by Frank Schubert April 5, 2022 0 1.1k Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his pro-family Fidesz Party have won an overwhelming victory, expanding their two-thirds + supermajority ...
Pope John Paul II–lessons for revitalizing our dying dioceses by Cato June 20, 2021 0 325 Karol Wojtyla made religious freedom the cornerstone of his ministry. And bishops in America and Europe today could learn from ...
SCOTUS unanimously upholds religious freedom for Catholic Social Services by Joseph Grabowski June 17, 2021 0 1.9k Though the ruling in itself was not surprising to many seasoned Court watchers, the fact that it was handed down ...
Arm the children: Ten indispensable truths by E. Douglas Clark May 4, 2021 0 556 How do we protect our children? What truths will arm them against the barrage of lies they face at school, ...