Florida sees surge in charter and private school enrollment amid Governor DeSantis’s school choice initiatives by IFN English May 27, 2024 0 132 Florida's public schools are witnessing a significant decline in enrollment numbers as there's a surge in charter and private school ...
Michigan Muslim community pushes back against pornographic and LGBT books in schools by Cato November 16, 2022 0 309 "What you’re seeing now is a grassroots movement of concerned parents trying to reassert their right to direct education for ...
Lutzer: our public schools are sexualizing our children and destroying our civilization as a result by Cato June 14, 2022 0 521 “Perhaps nowhere do we see the work of Satan in America as clearly as we do in the sexualization of ...
Calling out the radical LGBT movement’s goal to groom our children by Cato May 9, 2022 0 526 Disney pushing a “not so subtle secret gay agenda” on children and opposing a Florida law that bars schools from ...
[WARNING: GRAPHIC] — The Left’s latest lunatic argument: banning porn for kids makes you a Nazi by Joseph Grabowski November 11, 2021 0 3.3k A "graphic novel" in South Carolina schools contained illustrations of oral sex and masturbation; the Left doesn't see the problem.
Texas says no to gender ideology, Malawi sets the record straight on maternal mortality due to illegal abortions, and Canadian pro-lifers hold “conservative” party leader to account by Luca Volontè October 22, 2021 0 345 Spotlight on the good things happening in the world.