“Breastfeeding” too “heteronormative” in Newspeak by Cristina Tamburini February 18, 2021 0 832 Intelligence in danger of death in Australia and Britain
Terror in Africa: 100 Christians killed in a month by Giacomo Bertoni February 11, 2021 0 288 In the Democratic Republic of Congo, Islamist terrorism is alive and well, and its goal is alarming.
Ireland and “boys who menstruate” by Luca Volontè February 11, 2021 0 436 The Labour carnival wants to foist the cost of tampons for transwomen onto taxpayers, along with an ideology.
In Nigeria, people continue to die for faith by Giacomo Bertoni February 4, 2021 0 361 The terrible daily life of Christians in Nigeria in the silence of Europe
Where “distance learning” increases child labor by Federico Cenci February 4, 2021 0 222 Bangladesh, with students out of school since March, is booming with dropouts.
Biden terrorizes Africa by Federico Cenci January 30, 2021 0 759 Catholic bishops against 'Catholic' president on abortion and gender
In Victoria, a law against freedom by Marco Respinti January 28, 2021 0 610 Ban on "reparative therapies": under the guise of stopping abuses, abuse of another kind is codified.
The family with three fathers is born by Barbara Santambrogio January 26, 2021 0 1.3k The triumph of the desires of adults over the rights of children.
Porn equals prostitution by Giacomo Bertoni January 7, 2021 0 1.4k Scottish bishops speak clearly, suggesting concrete solutions
Stop trans athletes in women’s competition by Federico Cenci January 5, 2021 0 1.1k Apparently, in some circles, science is only to be followed when it suits the political agenda.