Too poor to give birth by Barbara Santambrogio December 31, 2020 0 553 The economic and health crisis, a universal picklock to force women into abortion.
The transhuman war of the “bionic soldier” by Federico Cenci December 19, 2020 0 869 Does the future belong to the human-robot hybrid?
Child pornography at alarming levels by Giordano Lavoratore December 19, 2020 0 588 Trafficking and raids in Italy and the world. The alarm of "Terre des Hommes" ("Land of men").
Hungary defends the obvious, while Brussels defends LGBT+ by Federico Cenci December 1, 2020 0 370 The controversy over the Recovery Fund has old roots. Budapest against gender ideology is in the sights of the European ...
Europe Recognizes Christianophobia by Giacomo Bertoni November 29, 2020 0 481 The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) sounds the alarmby publishing a report documenting 595 attacks on Christians . Thisdata confirm ...
EU: Economic sanctions for those who defend the unborn by Giacobbe della Scala November 28, 2020 0 391 After the attacks on churches in Poland for "freedom of choice", propaganda in favor of abortion lands in the European ...