To save itself, China must become pro-family and pro-life by Luca Volontè February 22, 2023 0 617 Mainland China's population decreased by 850,000 last year, the first decline since 1961, to 1.42 billion, according to a government ...
Abortion in Colombia: No need for parental consent for children under 14 by Luca Volontè February 2, 2023 0 533 Bolivia's bishops denounce "ideological impositions" in educational materials by 2023
WCF Mexico: Celebrating the family by IFN English October 12, 2022 0 1.1k More than 9,000 people, speakers and guests of prestige saying "No" to the culture of disintegration that wants wants to ...
We are not alone by Marco Respinti October 3, 2022 0 335 The XIV World Congress of Families concluded yesterday. We saw a different world: more beautiful and more humane. And we ...
Ciudad de Mexico, family capital of the world by Marco Respinti September 30, 2022 0 525 The XIV World Congress of Families opens today. iFamNews needs your support and wishes you to rejoice.
The good and the bad of 2021 by Luca Volontè January 13, 2022 0 579 The profound marks that have been imprinted on world culture and society in the past year. Lest we forget.
Abortion and gay “marriage”: losses in Europe also a prelude to victory by Marco Respinti September 28, 2021 0 1.5k A heavy majority imposes abortion in San Marino and LGBT+ “marriage” in Switzerland. Yet, all is not lost. The day ...
The beauty of fragile lives by Luca Marcolivio March 9, 2021 0 314 Luca Russo's book tells the story of Agnese and of other "lives not worth living". Lives welcomed and saved through ...
The family with three fathers is born by Barbara Santambrogio January 26, 2021 0 1.3k The triumph of the desires of adults over the rights of children.
The Family as a Model of Holiness: The Beatification Process of John Paul II’s Parents Begins by Wlodzimierz Redzioch May 7, 2020 0 730 An interview with Milena Kindziuk, author of the first biography of Emilia and Karol Wojtyła.