The XIV World Congress of Families (WCF) has opened today in Mexico City.
Since 1997, the WCF has been the world’s largest organization defending the natural family. It is the mother of the pro-family movement and its soul. It operates as an umbrella organization to connect all pro-family and pro-life realities beyond the myriad other differences between worlds that there may be on other issues. Because family and life cannot be negotiated: they are either defended or destroyed.

For decades, the WCF has periodically gathered leaders and participants from this vast and diverse galaxy to exchange news, opinions, ideas and strategies. And it is very successful in this, judging from the heap of nonsense that is constantly churned out about the Congress and the caricatures of the WCF that are with great effort, but little result, spread by anti-family and anti-life hordes using every lawful and even unlawful means.
But above all, the WCF is a celebration: a celebration of what is most natural and beautiful that man knows how to produce.
Through October 3, there will be a succession of guests and speakers, a veritable army of good that is not afraid to show its face and fight battles for many out of time.

iFamNews will be in Mexico City to follow the work of the WCF, to rejoice, to make contacts, to strengthen friendships, and to inform its readers. And I really hope to meet numerous of you who were willing and able to be there. Reports and information will be aplenty.

But above all, from the bottom of my heart, I wish that even thousands of miles away, two things are not missed: your indispensable support and your joy in seeing the family celebrated, defended and elevated.
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