Serbia population decline: just the tip of the European iceberg by Cato January 4, 2023 0 2.2k The expected population losses in Europe between now and 2100, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, will approach numbers not ...
Pope Francis: Selfishness is the root cause of our birth dearth by Cato January 7, 2022 0 332 The fertility rate in developed countries has fallen well below 2.1; the rate needed to stabilize a population. And selfishness ...
“The person is under attack, and with it the very value of human life” by Giorgia Meloni November 18, 2021 0 929 Giorgia Meloni expresses hopes that iFamNews believes in. We publish them here in the attempt to embolden all people around ...
Together We Will Succeed Again by Viktor Orbán September 25, 2020 0 766 Our basic national and Christian principles are not liberal; they came into being before liberalism; they stand in opposition to ...