Disney’s Assisted Suicide by Brian S. Brown June 27, 2023 0 1k It seems that Disney is on a quest to kill itself.
Join the Disney Boycott! by Brian S. Brown June 20, 2023 0 5.4k Over 33,000 people have joined our Dump Disney boycott and we invite you to join as well.
Disney is in dire straits, partly thanks to IOF by Luca Volontè April 13, 2023 0 1k Plans for Disney's metaverse strategy remained sketchy a year after the division was created, although the company had suggested that ...
Thanks, Keith by Brian S. Brown March 21, 2023 0 5.1k As I write this to you, over 28,000 people have promised to boycott all Disney products and services
Woke policies of Disney gravely damaging the fortunes of the entertainment giant by IFN English March 17, 2023 0 15.3k How much money will Disney have to lose before it will begin to rethink its strong support for the LGBT ...
They’re Dumping Disney by Brian S. Brown March 3, 2023 0 14.8k Nearly 25,000 people have pledged to “Dump Disney” as a result of the petition campaign IOF is co-sponsoring.
Disney Partners with San Fran Gay Men’s Chorus that wants to “convert” our children by IFN English February 20, 2023 0 2.2k When will Disney get the message that its promotion of the radical LGBT agenda is not what families want?