What that means is that tens of thousands of folks around the globe are promising to separate themselves from all Disney products and programming – not visiting to any of their one-dozen theme parks, refusing to access their cable channels, boycotting their movies and TV shows, refusing to make purchases of Disney products in stores and online, and boycotting all Disney-themed events and specialty productions from concerts, to ice shows, to cruises and travel arrangements.
The reason that IOF has taken up this Dump Disney protest is because the corporation has abandoned its historic mission of being a wholesome source of entertainment for children and families and instead become fully committed to grooming young children as supporters of the LGBT agenda.

The evidence of Disney’s grooming is ubiquitous. Their recent movie and television productions prominently feature homosexual romances, their creators are adding “queerness” in all programming, they’ve promised that at least 50 percent of characters will be “LGBTQIA+” or members of other allegedly aggrieved groups and now Disney has partnered with the notorious San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus to produce concerts where the gay men will perform songs from Disney movies while telling kids in the audience about gay love and “LGBT+ pride.”
Please add your name to our Dump Disney Petition to make your voice heard by the company’s top brass. Then use the buttons below to share our petition with all your friends and family.
You can also make sure that our petition gets the attention of CEO Bob Iger by making a small donation of $5 or more. We will make sure that a letter and fax on your behalf is sent to Iger’s attention letting him know that you oppose the corporation’s LGBT grooming of young children.
The only way that a mega corporation like Disney will feel the heat is when their customers start to revolt. Tens of thousands of people have already signed our Dump Disney petition and pledged to dump all Disney products, programs and services.
Please help us make sure that Disney hears directly that parents and countless others do not appreciate their attempt to groom children into supporting the LGBT agenda. Your donation of just $5 or more will help make sure that your voice is heard and that our petition effort continues to pressure Disney to change their behavior.
Thank you for whatever you can do to help.
God bless
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