Spain: Pro-abortion activists attack a church in Barcelona by iFamNews Spain November 8, 2023 0 227 The activists harassed parishioners attending mass, and painted graffiti offensive to Catholics.
The irony: Freedom of Expression Rapporteur calls for censorship of conservative views by iFamNews Spain November 6, 2023 0 348 Khan is advocating the limitation of the right to freedom of expression, which by reason of her position she is ...
Exhibition in Madrid with penis-shaped priests and crucified Christs with doll heads and guns by iFamNews Spain August 25, 2023 0 275 REMITTED. Once again, paid for with our taxes, we witness the continued attack against Christian sentiments. Always where the left ...
Christian Lawyers accuses radio host of incitement to hatred, harassment, mockery of religion by iFamNews Spain November 2, 2022 0 1.2k The Spanish Foundation of Christian Lawyers filed a lawsuit against Héctor de Miguel, better known as "Quequé" for encouraging the ...