Spanish Constitutional Court infringes on its competencies, tries to create a “right” to abortion by iFamNews Spain August 15, 2023 0 570 Judicial impartiality must be the basis for legal action both in Spain and everywhere else in Europe.
Colombia: Success against gender indoctrination by Luis Losada May 31, 2023 0 426 When a society is alive and organized, the agenda that promotes anti-values cannot advance while the agenda supporting life, family ...
Why does a woman usually have an abortion? Too often because of the pressure of a man by Álvaro Zulueta February 18, 2023 0 1.1k Motherhood is among the highest callings of a woman and we need to respect and honor it. No one should ...
I do want to hear the fetal heartbeat! by Leonor Tamayo February 8, 2023 0 2k Abortionists don't want parents to hear the baby's beating heart. They have jumped up like hyenas. And there is a ...
Two abortion clinics in Madrid sanctioned for misleading advertising by iFamNews Spain December 17, 2022 0 920 The clinics have been deceiving women, hiding from them the consequences that an abortion can cause, with the sole purpose ...
Pro-aborts: an example of cognitive dissonance just like flat-earthers by Ramón Mollá Vayá June 14, 2022 0 395 Especially laughable are the flat-earthers, a typical case of cognitive dissonance just like those who deny the humanity of the ...
Why the Supreme Court’s decision may provoke an unprecedented conflict in the US? (Very personal analysis) by Marcial Cuquerella May 7, 2022 0 466 In 1850, a black was not considered a human person subject to rights. The key to Justice Alito's opinion is ...
March for Life 2022 in the U.S. as told by a college student by Chiara Mosher April 6, 2022 0 279 As long as a child's life is sacrificed for abortion, my fellow students and I will continue to stand up ...
The film “Roe V. Wade”: opening minds and changing hearts – Warning: graphic content by Álvaro Zulueta March 29, 2021 0 336 Grand premiere of Roe V. Wade movie. Don't miss it. In addition to enjoying a great movie, you will collaborate ...
Victory for life in Quintana Roo! by Luis Losada March 4, 2021 0 212 We won the abortion battle in Quintana Roo. An iconic battle. We are thrilled with this great victory.