On the great church feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as announced 14 days ago during the first gathering, a cross procession for the salvation of Serbia was held in Belgrade, organized by the United for Tradition and Family, an informal umbrella association of pro-family and patriotic organizations.
After the authorities in Serbia made the right decision to ban Europride 2022 scheduled to take place in Belgrade, spoke persons of the LGBT ideology spewed anger and rage both in Belgrade and in their Brussels headquarters.

According to media reports, the president of the so-called European Association of Pride Organizers, Kristine Garina, announced that Europride, scheduled for September in Belgrade, has not and will not be canceled and that any attempt to ban that event is a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights.
We recall that on the eve of the announced cross procession, in the wake of the decision by the authorities, the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church finally issued an official statement, welcoming the decision of the state top not to hold an event that promotes LGBT ideology in Belgrade.
After the decision to cancel the Europride 2022 event, the Serbian authorities hoped that the people’s interest in the cross procession for the salvation of Serbia would be dampened, but the exact opposite happened. Tens of thousands of people walked through the streets of downtown Belgrade in a festive, prayerful and family atmosphere! According to some estimates, around 50,000 people were present.

And not only that, cross processions were also held in several cities in Serbia, namely: in Valjevo, Čačak and Zaječar.
Such huge numbers of citizens in attendance are proof that people in Serbia are aware that the mere cancellation of Europride 2022 does not mean that the danger has passed, but that we must remain alert and cautious, especially after the outpour of anger from Europride headquarters, which announced that the event would be held at any cost, although it is obvious that Euro-marchers are not welcome to the land of the famous Serbian prince turned monk – St. Sava.

The iFamNews Serbian editorial will closely monitor the further development of events and timely inform readers about the next steps that will be taken with the ultimate goal that events like Europride, which undermine the traditional and family value system and public morality, are permanently banned in Serbia.

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