Wokeness is erasing women by Marija Stajić October 8, 2024 0 183 Today, using the wrong pronoun – misgendering – is an act of violence. Then, what would we call the erasure ...
Georgia: Government and Church united in opposing the spread of LGBT propaganda by iFamNews Serbia September 18, 2023 0 506 Our current government and our Church, the Georgian Orthodox Church, are united in the view that it is our duty ...
Family in Iran is under attack through media and virtual space by iFamNews Serbia September 13, 2023 0 462 The approach of satellite networks to social issues and the avoidance of politics in a way indicates that women and ...
Our daily bread by Vladimir Dimitrijević February 10, 2023 0 276 And I remember my grandfather, how many times he said that there would be famine because people throw bread into ...
Dangers threatening the Christian family in the 21st century by Marija Stajić November 30, 2022 0 5k Teach children that they don't have to change in order to adapt to others. If we agree that today's society ...
Icon painter Milica Mišić: We are all connected and we influence each other by Jugoslav Kiprijanović November 11, 2022 0 617 How did we manage to nurture autogenocide and set it as a benchmark for successful modern life? When did we ...
Russia: Draft law on penalties for LGBT propaganda and promotion of pedophilia passes first reading in state Duma by iFamNews Serbia October 31, 2022 0 791 In the first reading, the Russian Duma adopted the bill on penalties for promoting non-traditional sexual relations and pedophilia.
German kids will learn to be gay from kindergarten by iFamNews Serbia October 12, 2022 0 7.3k The media warn that this, among other things, is leading children towards the path of homosexuality
The Europride fiasco and the end of the Serbian state by Jugoslav Kiprijanović September 19, 2022 0 7.3k It's enirely justified to resport to civil disobedience after being deceived by the decisions of the Administrative Court and the ...
“No to Europride” – Magnificent pro-family cross procession in Belgrade by iFamNews Serbia August 29, 2022 0 699 Tens of thousands of people took part in the cross procession for the salvation of Serbia through the central streets ...