The Brian Brown Show #2 – End of Year 2022 by The Brian Show November 28, 2022 0 162 Check out the latest Brian Brown Show! Learn about the International Organization for the Family and how you can help ...
XIV World Congress of Families press release photos and Press Conference by IFN English October 10, 2022 0 566 Inauguration, press conference and summary of the first day of the World Congress of Families 2022 in Mexico City.
Singers Emmanuel and Mijares close World Congress of Families 2022 by IFN English October 8, 2022 0 303 Closing of the CMF: Participants will receive the necessary tools to help them have healthier relationships with their loved ones.
World Congress of Families breaks attendance records by IFN English October 7, 2022 0 2k Over nine thousand people attended the World Congress of Families 2022, which is indeed remarkable, breaking a record of previous ...
WCF: Cardinal Aguiar proposes support for new families based on number of children by IFN English October 7, 2022 0 439 Cardinal Aguiar proposed to the government, legislators and businessmen to establish the model of economic incentives for new marriages and ...
Silvano Aureoles at WCF: Strengthening the family in the face of violence and insecurity by IFN English October 6, 2022 0 209 The Michoacan politician considered the World Congress of Families 2022 very opportune given the disintegration of the family in the ...
WCF: Pope Francis implores to defend the most fragile and weakest in Mexico by IFN English October 6, 2022 0 204 "With these sentiments Pope Francis vows that these days of reflection will be a call to assist families with attention ...
Video summary of the third day of activities at the World Congress of Families by IFN English October 5, 2022 0 259 The third and final day of the XIV World Congress of Families was held with extraordinary success in Mexico. Long ...
Video summary of the second day of the World Congress of Families by IFN English October 4, 2022 0 336 Video summary of the second day of the World Congress of Families of Mexico 2022.
Video summary of the first day of the World Congress of Families by IFN English October 4, 2022 0 198 Relive and feel the first day of the World Congress of Families held in Mexico.