Irish Voters reject constitutional changes to redefine “Marriage” and “Woman” by IFN English March 12, 2024 0 305 In a significant pushback against proposed constitutional changes, a majority of Irish voters have opposed the government's bid to redefine ...
Mike Johnson elected new Speaker of the House by IFN English October 25, 2023 0 277 Pro-life Congressman Mike Johnson of Louisiana has secured the position of Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, succeeding Kevin ...
President of Hungary on a serious mission to promote marriage and stability by Luca Volontè March 4, 2023 0 829 The basis of a well-functioning marriage should be acceptance and respect, good communication, quality time spent together, affection, willingness to ...
Spain: New “Family Law” aims to dilute and destroy the natural family by Pedro Mejias February 22, 2023 0 1.2k The family comes before the state and the state should not and cannot define what family is and what it ...
Joined by organizations worldwide, IOF urges UN ambassadors to renew hope by protecting the family by E. Douglas Clark November 7, 2022 0 253 Let us indeed renew our hope as we protect and promote what is truly our best hope for the future ...
Spread the word, resist the ideological colonization by Marija Stajić November 4, 2022 0 253 Spread the word of how a small but defiant country stood up to the new Marxism. Resist, like Serbia did.
Lorenzo Fontana at XIII WCF, one of us by iFamNews Italia October 20, 2022 0 467 It was in 2019, in Verona. Fontana was a minister at the time; today he is the Parliament Speaker. Because ...
World Congress, world-class: ¡Viva México! by E. Douglas Clark October 18, 2022 0 346 This best-ever pro-family global event has come just when the world is experiencing the worst-ever attack on the family.
XIV World Congress of Families press release photos and Press Conference by IFN English October 10, 2022 0 564 Inauguration, press conference and summary of the first day of the World Congress of Families 2022 in Mexico City.
Singers Emmanuel and Mijares close World Congress of Families 2022 by IFN English October 8, 2022 0 302 Closing of the CMF: Participants will receive the necessary tools to help them have healthier relationships with their loved ones.