Mummy don’t know daddy’s getting hot
At the body shop, doing something unholy
He’s sat back while she’s dropping it, she be popping it
Yeah, she put it down slowly
Oh-ee-oh-ee-oh, he left his kids at
Ho-ee-oh-ee-ome, so he can get that
“This song is definitely on repeat 24/7. After going incredibly viral, everyone must have ’Unholy’ by Sam Smith and Kim Petras lyrics stuck in their minds, right?” (Stylecaster)
Though obviously millions of people share this opinion (the official video has 126 million views on YouTube so far), the remaining billions of Earthlings beg to differ.
By now, almost all media outlets have reported on this year’s Grammy winners, with two cringiest moments stealing the show – the Satanic performance of ’Unholy’ by Sam Smith and Kim (formerly Tim) Patras, and Madonna’s “new” face.
I generally tend to steer clear from electronic noise that has been freed from any grammar, style and cohesion, and is instead rife with elliptic, clipped and hard to understand words – i.e. what is known as “modern music.” But when something makes headlines, it’s difficult not to see it (though I wish I had an “unsee” button in my head) or to avoid seeing it. This piece that’s supposed to be a song is apparently popular and the celeb audience at the awards seemed to be delighted when it won the Best Pop Duo award. They cheered at the performance. Clapped and shouted in approval. But that’s Hollywood, so don’t even try to look for common sense there.
I looked up the “artists” and they turned out to be a “they” (a male who identifies as non-binary) and a “she” (a male who claims to be a woman), Sam Smith and Kim Patras, essentially two white males – but since they’re not asserting their whiteness or maleness, then all’s well and it’s not white supremacy, patriarchy or anything like that. Nothing new there.

The piece is aptly named ‘Unholy’, because the human actions it talks about are definitely that. And it would be commendable if the non-male pair were raising their voice against infidelity, adultery and the breaking up of the family. However, if that were the case, the piece would actually be a sad and tragic song, stirring up deep emotions in the audience, moving people to tears over neglected children and a woman who ends up with a cheating pervert of a husband.
Yet it seems rather like a celebration of that imagery, and reasonable people may wonder why. Doesn’t the left want women to be respected and loved? Doesn’t the left want children growing up in complete families, with a present father? If there’s hue and cry against men today for beating and leaving their wives (“all men are violent rapists”, etc.), why would anyone want to glorify and celebrate something along those lines?
But of course, we know what this is all about and it goes something like this: “Conservatives fight for ’family values’ and similar BS, so let’s show them what their ’happy families’ really look like. Hypocrites!”
Also, any time of the year is offend-the-Christians time so why not come up with a Satanic ritual for the performance of the piece, in glaring red, with non-male Sam wearing high heels and a horned hat, dancers flicking whips, and everyone on the stage making all kinds of sexually explicit gestures and moves.
In April 2022, in an interview for Billboard, the non-male Sam said, “I think joy for me, and for a lot of queer people, is quite a dangerous place. … We’re all masters of pain, and I think it’s actually a very courageous act to step into the queer joy of it all.”

There, straight from the horse’s mouth: joy is a dangerous place for queer people, they are “masters of pain”… Yes, we definitely received that message thanks to all the BDSM costumes and props at all pride parades, as well as in this performance, which was broadcast on nation-wide television network at 8 pm, for all ages to see. “Queer artists” have done their best these past years to show us loud and clear that “queer joy” goes hand in hand with kink, body mutilation, fetishism, pornography, orgies and generally forces on the dark side. (Remember Lil Nas X doing a lap dance for Satan?).
The eye-stabbing colors, jarring voices and sexualized strip club dancing that we saw and heard in this performance were not “shocking” or “scary” as some headlines suggest in an attempt to get more clicks. Most conservatives didn’t “melt over ‘Unholy’ Grammy performance”, they didn’t “lose it.” They were disgusted, yes, and also reaffirmed in their resolve to not watch meaningless award ceremonies such as the Grammys, the Oscars and the lot, and to cancel their subscriptions (if they haven’t done so already) to channels such as Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max etc. (because Cuties, Lightyear, Strange World, Unpregnant…) and instead opt for the Great American Family, Pure Flix, Angel Studios and DailyWire+.
In all honesty, is there anything in this piece that aspires to be called a song and the way it was performed that we can say came as a surprise or a shock? A shock would be to see women and men dressed decently, singing beautifully using actual words put together into verses that have an actual meaning and tell a story, or convey emotions, or draw attention to a critical social issue, or even criticize the government, mainstream media or culture, conformism, elitism or other social weaknesses.
And no, people are not afraid that “demons will jump out of the screen and grab our kids”, and though it’s true that you have the choice of turning the TV off if you don’t want your children to see it, in order to do that, you would need to be warned ahead that a show aired at 8 pm contains scenes inappropriate for younger audiences.
And yes, we can safely say that the performers worship Satan because they obviously worship themselves above all else, and that is the path of the fallen ones. Also, as Evie Magazine writes, symbols used in the performance “are identical to the imagery that is listed on the Church of Satan website.”
The non-male Sam and non-female Kim performing a Satanic ritual is like seeing spoiled children making a mess at home to draw their parents’ attention. But with these grown-up children it’s not shocking, just cringy and tasteless. Makes you feel thankful that you didn’t have to be there and watch all that live, with no option to hit pause or close.
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