In 2015, Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner stated that he identified as a woman and took the name Caitlyn; then he starred in a reality show I’m Kate , and in 2017 underwent a gender reassignment surgery. What’s more, Bruce not only changed his gender, but his age as well: instead of a 65-year-old man, he claims that he is now a 45-year-old woman.
During Obama’s term in office, the policy of gender-neutral toilets and locker rooms was imposed across the US, resulting in a number of girls being attacked by sexual predators in spaces where every female should feel safe and secure enough to perform certain needs or to change clothes.
Last year, author J. K. Rowling was targeted by transgender ideologues, even though until then she was one of the celebrities who cheered for any madness that progressive liberalism came up with. However, when she stood up in defense of the reality of biological sex and emphasized the importance of exclusively female spaces as safe places for women (speaking as a victim of abuse herself), liberals on social media launched an attack at her, including the leading actors from the Harry Potter movies.
Emma Watson, who played Hermione Granger, stated: “Trans people are who they say they are and deserve to live their lives without being constantly questioned or told they aren’t who they say they are.”
When someone claims that he or she is Napoleon, does that mean that this person really is Napoleon? When someone says that a dandelion is a rose, does the dandelion really become a rose? Does our subjective experience of something have the power to change biological reality?
A girl from Norway named Nano claims that she is a cat trapped in the human body. She meows, crawls on all fours and wears a headband with cat ears and an artificial tail. Does that mean she really is a cat? Does she think she can jump off the roof and safely land on her feet? Nano is 20 years old and intends to live like a cat for the rest of her life. Since cats live 10–15 years indoors on average, does that mean that the days are numbered for this girl, or should I say, an aged cat? Because, as Emma Watson said, “Trans people are what they say they are…”
A 52-year-old Canadian (in 2015, when the story went public) left his wife and seven children after 20 years of marriage, stated that he identified as a six-year-old girl, and even found an elderly couple to adopt him. However, this “six-year-old girl” still drives a car (!), and since the car doesn’t run on water, money has to be earned for gasoline, therefore “she” drives a snowplough (though still wearing a dress), but when the working hours are over, he no longer has to “pretend” to be an adult man and can revert to frilly dresses, girly socks and coloring books.
Is this person really a six-year-old girl?

That’s not the end of the story. Little “Stefonknee” is also in an “incestuous” relationship with the adoptive father because – why not?

In a recent piece I already asked the question: if a man can simply state that he is a woman, what does it even mean to be a woman? Is womanhood a set of clothes that you can choose to put on just like that – on a whim?
Drag queens wear aggressive, overemphasized make-up that women don’t normally put on except in occasions such as performances, carnivals and similar. Does that mean that these men are more women than biological women?
On the other hand, we also have gay men who feel like men, but just like to wear make-up; they make an effort to speak like women (although with too much affectation, of course) and even address their audience as “sisters.” One of them is a young YouTuber and “beauty influencer”, James Charles, who is openly gay, likes to wear make-up and, in his own words, has “a full set of nails on all the time.”
Yet, just to make sure things are not this “simple”, some radical feminists (and even lesbians) started to protest against the T in LGBT, i.e., against transgenderism, arguing – quite rightly – that transgenderism nullifies everything that feminists have fought for over the decades.
I will not call a male “she”; thirty-two years of suffering in this androcentric society, and of surviving, have earned me the title “woman”; one walk down the street by a male transvestite, five minutes of his being hassled (which he may enjoy), and then he dares, he dares to think he understands our pain? No, in our mothers’ names and in our own, we must not call him sister.
These are the words of Robin Morgan, a keynote speaker at the West Coast Lesbian Conference in 1973. If it weren’t for the now obsolete word “transvestite”, this statement might have been uttered yesterday.
It is perfectly understandable why lesbians and feminists are protesting, and it is in fact illogical that there aren’t more of them vocally opposing the transgender theory. Feminist activist Bo Novak expressed her support for lesbians who protested against the T at the 2018 London Pride:

The key messages at the bottom of the leaflet in capital letters read:
“A man can never be a lesbian!
Lesbians don’t want s*x with men!
A p*nis can never be female!”
Finally, conservatives can fully agree with the words of a feminist.
The proponents of the new world madness don’t want to admit the essential illogicality of the transgender theory. First they tried to convince us that homosexuality was not a matter of choice but that people are simply “born with it” and that “it cannot be changed”, only to throw the transgender card on the table, which says that our sense of gender and sexual attraction are actually fluid and changeable, and that one day we may feel like a woman, another like a man, a third like “it” (or like a cat, a snake…), and that we can be equally attracted to men, women and other beings of the third or fifth sex / gender / identity. So, if it’s a matter of choice, then actually no one is born a homosexual, rather they choose to be gay – or bisexual, or whatever, right?
The abovementioned YouTuber James Charles recently took up a challenge proposed by a pregnant friend and decided to “experience what it’s like to be ’pregnant’ for 24 hours.” His “pregnancy experience” consists of strapping on a pillow that mimics a pregnant woman’s belly in week 28 of gestation, and the “difficulties” he has to endure include putting on shoes despite the belly, sitting at a table a bit sideways (because he can’t pull his chair in all the way because of the belly), drinking a lot of water to go to the toilet often and posing naked with the pillow strapped-on, which was later photoshopped to look like a real belly. Then they put a labor simulator on his abdomen so that he could feel “what childbirth looks like” – as if childbirth is just a few cramps in the abdomen. The video has 10.5 million views, and his channel has 25.7 million followers.

As a woman who has lived as a woman for four decades, who feels like a woman, thinks like a woman, who has experienced pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, I am deeply offended by such behavior on the part of men and I feel extremely discriminated, humiliated, offended and disparaged. I feel like someone has spat in the face of everything that it means to be a woman. I feel like someone is mocking femininity and womanhood, as well as the notion of and the very existence of women.
Strapping a pillow to your abdomen and putting your shoes on with some difficulty? Seriously???
Even if we briefly put aside these things that have “triggered” me – although this can easily be classified as women shaming (coined in the best progressive tradition which includes, e.g., fat shaming, when a doctor may not tell a person that they are obese, even though it is bad for their health, because it would be offensive to them) – the biggest problem that arises from the transgender ideology is actually a quite realistic and huge danger for little girls, teenagers and women.
There are no women who claim to be men, and who go around harassing men in men’s restrooms. However – who would have thought? – there are men who identify as women, but are in fact sexual predators (of whatever gender they claim to be) who assault girls in toilets and locker rooms (see HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE, as well as the latest case of an assault on a child HERE).
Furthermore, girls and women are being discriminated against in sports because more and more countries now allow biological men to compete in women’s sports. A man who was an average athlete in his category, now easily becomes a champion by defeating – women.

“Transgender woman” Rachel Mackinnon, who is actually a biological man, won a gold medal at the 2019 World Championships in Manchester, having triumphed over other women relative to whom he is biologically stronger and faster, and has more stamina then they do. However, since the runner-up Dawn Orwick did not want to put her arm around him/her, but chose to hold it behind her back, this victory over women was not sweet enough, so the transgender person accused Orwick of transphobia and “poor sportsmanship.” Feminists are silent.
A sports commentator for an LBGT sports outlet said in late January this year that Fallon Fox, 44, a “transgender woman” and an MMA fighter, is “the bravest athlete in history.” In 2014, Fox inflicted serious injuries to Tamikka Brents (a biological woman), who ended the match with several broken orbital bones and a concussion. So, the man who beat up a woman and cracked her skull is declared the bravest athlete in history a few years later. Feminists, say something – anything? Here’s an obviously violent male – what do we do now? Ah, yes, in the best androcentric and male chauvinistic tradition, we will declare him the person of the year and induct him in the Hall of Fame.

By approving this, did you just give a free pass to all the bullies that, when they are caught abusing their wife, they can just say they actually identify as a woman and that it’s all just a misunderstanding between BFFs? A squabble over a nail polish? Over a guy they both like?
For the first time in my life, I actually have a need to resort to the radical feminist vocabulary. This distressing and painful review of events in the recent years is a true illustration of the male oppression of women in a world that is so androcentric that women are no longer fighting for the right to vote, the right to be educated, to have equal pay and the like, but for what should be a biological fact: the right to be women.
How can we talk about equality if a man can be whatever comes to his mind? If he can walk into a locker room where our daughters are changing their clothes, enter the toilets where he can attack them, if he can compete against them, and even beat them up in front of the audience, and then be rewarded for that?
Don’t think that this is all far from us here in Serbia – it’s much closer than you can imagine. Right now, two new laws are underway (on same-sex partnerships and on gender equality), as well as amendments to the Law against Discrimination. The experience of other countries shows that such laws pave the way for everything I have just written about. In no country did LGBT activists stop at the civil union or partnership; rather, they immediately continued to exert pressure until they achieved full equality with marriage, followed by the right to adopt children. And they’re not even trying to conceal any of their intentions and goals.
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU ) of Hawaii, in testimony before the Hawaii State Senate on a civil unions bill there, said: “The ACLU of Hawaii strongly supports the current bill; however, we want to be clear that our ultimate goal is to obtain full marriage equality for same-sex couples … Civil unions are not, and cannot be, the same as marriage because they create a separate institution for same-sex couples. As history taught us, separate is never equal. Thus, the ACLU of Hawaii will continue to press the Legislature for full marriage equality in the future.”[1]
In 2015, Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner won the Social Media Queen award, allocated by Teen Choice Awards. In 2020 James Charles received the People’s Choice Award in the “Beauty Influencer” category (he was also nominated in 2019, and received it once before, in 2018). Fallon Fox is “the bravest athlete in history.”
And what about us, women? Are we going to say it’s none of our business? That this isn’t our battle? That all this is far away from us? Will we allow biological men to triumph over and even beat up our daughters?
Or shall we stand up bravely and say ENOUGH!
Women can really do anything, and they are particularly good at fighting for themselves and their family. And when our men stand by our side – our fathers, husbands, brothers, friends, and when we know how precious and sacred is that which we are defending – marriage, family, children, there is no goal that we cannot achieve, or borders that will contain us.
[1] Testimony by Laurie A. Temple, Staff Attorney, ACLU of Hawaii before the Committee on Judiciary and Labor, 25 January 2011.
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