Gender mainstreaming: Towards the non-freedom of thought, speech and existence by Marija Stajić January 19, 2024 0 1.5k There is not a single long-term study that shows it is safe to give puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to ...
Literature and music are being used for spreading ideological propaganda by Marija Stajić September 22, 2023 0 775 Considering the examples mentioned in the article, it is quite clear what we mean when we say that we live ...
Living in truth as the only way to resist totalitarian ideologies by Marija Stajić June 23, 2023 0 868 We cannot and must not accept anything less than the truth of the world we live in. As Solzhenitsyn said, ...
Dangers threatening the Christian family in the 21st century by Marija Stajić November 30, 2022 0 5k Teach children that they don't have to change in order to adapt to others. If we agree that today's society ...
Serbia’s intellectual elite stands strong against unconstitutional and antifamily laws by iFamNews Serbia April 30, 2021 0 183 The three draft laws: on gender equality, same-sex unions and the prohibition of discrimination, are all unconstitutional, contrary to common ...
Roe v. Wade: A film about a court decision that has taken more than 60 million lives by Marija Stajić March 30, 2021 0 1.3k Roe v. Wade is an “untold story of how people lied, how the media lied, and how the courts were ...
Transgenderism humiliates, offends and denigrates women by Marija Stajić March 18, 2021 0 1.4k Over the past six or seven years, the meaning and significance of women and womanhood have spiralled down like never ...