Transgender “woman” Monroe Lace set to compete in Miss California pageant by IFN English June 7, 2023 0 1.5k Monroe Lace, a transgender individual who identifies as a woman, is set to compete in the 2023 Miss California Pageant, ...
Let’s give the transgender radicals what they want—the end of female sports by Cato June 3, 2023 0 833 If only unisex teams and categories existed, there would hardly be a team with any females on it and hardly ...
Austria: “Mother-Child Passport” becomes “Parent-Child Passport” by iFamNews Germany May 19, 2023 0 626 Women's associations are in an uproar: misuse of data, no protection against abuse, women are degraded.
American women proud to compete in sports with each other, and not men by Luca Volontè May 6, 2023 0 277 Elite female athletes signed open letter to applaud U.S. House for passing the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports ...
Nike’s partnership with trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney – a slap in the face to all women by IFN English April 7, 2023 0 1.9k When will companies stop denigrating real women this way? When will enough people finally stop buying the products of these ...
World Athletics heads back to normalcy: No males in female sport by Luca Volontè April 2, 2023 0 707 World Athletics excludes biological men identifying as women from participating in women's sports,
Australia, New Zealand: LGBT extremists attack women defending their sex against transgender abuse by Luca Volontè March 31, 2023 0 986 The risk to the physical safety of those who defend femininity is real and in addition to the media gag, ...
Canadian PM Trudeau is liberal enough to make fun of biological women by Luca Volontè March 17, 2023 0 890 Trudeau confirmed what we knew all along, it's not about tolerance but about going "beyond 'tolerate' and start to embrace, ...
Giorgia Meloni warns: “Women are the first victims of gender ideology” by iFamNews Germany March 15, 2023 0 1.9k "We are witnessing a new wave of misogyny in which women are being erased and silenced in the name of ...
Feminism is misogynistic by María Barba Castillo March 13, 2023 0 789 March 8 is the day when real women have to hide, because feminism is the great enemy of women.