IOF, joined by The Heritage Foundation and others, urges major course-correction for Human Rights Council by E. Douglas Clark April 6, 2021 0 458 The UDHR once championed the natural family is "entitled to protection by society and the State". It's high time they ...
IOF’s statement to the 2021 Commission on the Status of Women by E. Douglas Clark March 15, 2021 0 496 IOF has provided the following statement, co-signed by organizations around the world, to UN missions in New York in advance ...
From champion of the family to its archenemy—the tragic transformation of the United Nations by E. Douglas Clark January 14, 2021 0 326 With the new Biden administration, the United States does an about face by joining ranks with the EU and powerful ...
The Geneva Consensus – Is It Time for Life and Family to Strike Back? by Nemanja Zaric October 26, 2020 0 1k Those who are familiar with international law, and in particular with the United Nations, will recognize the immense importance of ...
Protecting Sacred Rights and Rejecting Pseudo Rights: Secretary Pompeo and the Draft Report of the Commission on Unalienable Rights by E. Douglas Clark July 23, 2020 0 575 Speaking on July 16, 2020, in Philadelphia near where the Declaration of Independence was issued over two centuries earlier, Secretary ...
The UN Turns 75: A Wake-Up Call We Cannot Ignore by E. Douglas Clark July 16, 2020 0 540 The creation of the United Nations 75 years ago was heralded with high hopes. “May it be taken as divine ...
The Siren Song of “Equality” by E. Douglas Clark July 7, 2020 0 256 To avoid shipwreck today, we must resist the siren song that claims “equality” but denies the complementarity of man and ...