Nemanja Zarić MD is a general surgeon. As a Medical school, Belgrade university student he has founded The society of orthodox doctors who were dealing with bioethical issues. He is actively involved in the promotion of the natural family as well as issues of abortion, euthanasia, and cloning for the last 15 years.
He was an attendee and speaker at the World Congress of Families gatherings in Salt Lake City, Tbilisi, Budapest, and Verona. He visited tens of high schools and universities in Serbia and the Republic of Srpska where he spoke about prenatal life and truths about abortion. Also, he was a guest speaker at “L'occident versus Europe”, Paris, 2017, as well as at “The Global Marriage Forum” in Capetown, 2016.
Nemanja Zaric was the principal organizer of two regional WCF conferences in Belgrade, Serbia. He was awarded the Familia Naturalis Award for his vision, sacrifice, and perseverance in organizing the 2016 WCF regional conference in Belgrade. He helped in bringing the movie “Unplanned “ to Serbia in 2019.