Biden the neocolonialist: Aid to poor countries is conditioned upon accepting abortion, LGBTI agenda by Luca Volontè June 21, 2023 0 622 A letter to US Congress by 130 African leaders: "We wish to express our concerns and suspicions that this funding ...
U.S. states and pro-life and pro-abortion legislation by Luca Volontè March 24, 2023 0 200 An overview of legislation defending the unborn child or, conversely, those favoring the murder of the innocent (abortion).
New no-fault divorce law in England and Wales will lead them down the devastating path the United States took fifty years ago by Cato May 8, 2022 0 431 As family scholar Brad Wilcox writes, President Ronald Reagan said the greatest mistake he ever made was in 1969 when ...
Another leftist victory in Latin America as Constitutional Court forces abortion on Colombia by Cato February 28, 2022 0 299 In yet another example of judiciaries hopped up on leftism, Colombia joins the ranks of recent Latin American countries to ...
Pope Francis: Selfishness is the root cause of our birth dearth by Cato January 7, 2022 0 334 The fertility rate in developed countries has fallen well below 2.1; the rate needed to stabilize a population. And selfishness ...