‘On the edge of an abyss’: the Secretary-General’s warning to the world by E. Douglas Clark September 30, 2021 0 711 Can it be mere coincidence that the greatest worldwide assault on the family is now taking place at the very ...
If only it were true: rhetoric versus reality in Biden’s speech to the United Nations by E. Douglas Clark September 23, 2021 0 938 The US President speaks about strengthening "universal principles". But his actions, specifically towards the family, are quite another thing. And ...
IOF joins international anti-commercial surrogacy coalition and signs UN petition by Cato September 3, 2021 0 1k It's big business. It's dehumanizing. It's tied to human sex trafficking. And it needs to be stopped. Now.
IOF’s Joint Statement to UN ambassadors for the 2021 High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development by E. Douglas Clark July 22, 2021 0 605 “The Decade of the Family” for the SDGs “If we act now, the global goals are still within reach,” says ...
UNFPA’s monopoly on contraception in Africa by Barbara Santambrogio June 14, 2021 0 244 The glaringly negative case of Zambia. But also some good news: there's no money for the "culture of death."
First things last: the Secretary-General’s regrettable silence on parents and children by E. Douglas Clark June 8, 2021 0 585 António Guterres declares the importance of bikes and the environment, but is silent on the very foundation of civilization – ...
IOF’s joint statement to UN ambassadors for the 2021 International Day of Families by E. Douglas Clark May 14, 2021 0 933 The International Organization for the Family has provided a statement, co-signed by organizations from around the world, to UN ambassadors ...
Is the United Nations creating its own “Hate List”? by Nicole King February 17, 2021 0 622 If we, the global pro-family right, want to protect the ability of men to be men, women to be women, ...
IOF’s joint statement to the 2021 Commission on Population and Development by E. Douglas Clark February 17, 2021 0 330 The International Organization for the Family has submitted the following statement to the UN Secretary-General for distribution to the 54th ...
From champion of the family to its archenemy—the tragic transformation of the United Nations by E. Douglas Clark January 14, 2021 0 326 With the new Biden administration, the United States does an about face by joining ranks with the EU and powerful ...