Let’s give the transgender radicals what they want—the end of female sports by Cato June 3, 2023 0 833 If only unisex teams and categories existed, there would hardly be a team with any females on it and hardly ...
Thumbs up–spotlight on the good things happening in the world by Luca Volontè August 27, 2021 0 483 Argentinian pro-lifers gather to affirm the sanctity of human life from conception, a study from Brigham Young University shows boys ...
‘Indians’ chopped; wokeism has now given us the Cleveland ‘Guardians’ by Damian Goddard July 24, 2021 0 885 The Major League Baseball club's public relations thrust is to build "unity" and "family", but all it does is reinforce ...
Former female weightlifter now bearing a different burden: outspoken advocate for women in sport by Damian Goddard July 19, 2021 0 2.6k On Saturday, the International Olympic Committee said it would back transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard's entry into the Tokyo Games. But ...